Writers Unite!

I'm back from the Ninth Annual (my third) AllWriters' Retreat held near Glenview, Illinois. I've written about it before, but every year brings something new. I always return from this retreat exhausted, but grateful and inspired. This year is no different. One of the bigger highlights of this particular retreat was the sheer amount of writing I got done. I figure I finished 24 pages, which by most writer's standpoint is probably pretty underwhelming. For me though, it was actually better than I anticipated. Furthermore, I was really satisfied with the quality of what I was writing. I've always said, I know when my writing (in this case, humor) is strong because I actually laugh out loud at times. I had complete pages that were like that, that I felt strongly about - that didn't feel forced. When the writing comes viscerally like that, it is really cool, and I can barely get it down fast enough. I know it's a weird, geeky, writer thing, but it's...