Manic Fall Cleanup Mode

I want to know if anyone else is like this. You let some things go in your house, usually clutter, or dirt, or a junk drawer or something, and you just let it go. You work around it, you deny it is there, you hate on it and you neglect it. And over time, it becomes one of those things that grates on you every time you encounter it. Well, I can be really good at that. In fact, I'd even say ignoring unlikeable projects in hopes that they go away is my super power. To a point. This latest breaking point started with steam cleaning the carpets in a couple of bedrooms yesterday. Donna was out of town, so it was a good chance to get it done before the holidays. So off to Home Despot I went, rented a cleaner, and in a little over two hours my carpets were clean and I'd returned the cleaner. The (good) problem this project created was jump starting me on ten other sub projects that carried into today. So what originally was going to be storing some backyard items for wint...