A Chap And A Wrap

Lots going on in the world of writing these days. I try and post all of my publications on my Author Website publications page, but I realize most people don't visit the site unless it is a link somewhere. 

I'll focus on the biggest news and pay lip service to the rest of the items. In case you haven't heard, I have a chapbook that was just accepted for publication as an ebook by Underground Voices

Now, even most of the people in my writing class didn't know what a chapbook was, so let me explain. It is a collection of poems, usually forty or less, that are sometimes focused around a theme (though that is not required). Mine are not theme specific, and as it stands now, there are forty in this publication.

This is a group of poems I am extremely proud of. I put them out for publication because the timing was right. I had accumulated a bunch of them and rather than trying to submit them individually to various magazines, I thought a grouping would be nice. I sent it to about five publishers, and Underground Voices came back and said they said it was "strong writing," and that they'd love to publish it. I can tell you feedback from a publisher doesn't get much better than that.

The chapbook will only be available as an ebook (Kindle, Nook, iTunes) as far as I know. Sometimes if a book sells enough as an ebook, some publishers will offer it as a paperback, but I'm not sure about this one. I am just ecstatic to have a third book on the way! That makes three years running, albeit a chapbook. I had a guy in my writing class who claims he doesn't care much for poetry refer to my work as "very approachable." A good compliment from a colleague. I'm pretty confident that I've found my both my poetic and nonfiction voices though, and some days that's the best I can hope for.

As of now, the work is untitled. I've proposed a couple of titles to the publisher, so we'll see what comes of them. They are currently working on a contract which is about as cool as it gets for this old scribbler.

Other items in the hopper and recent successes:

  • I have a poem, Shevel Knievel that will be forthcoming in Silver Birch Press after May 15th. 
  • My nonfiction story Snowball Effect will be featured in Issue 19 of Steam Ticket: A Third Coast Review. This is a funny story about a grade school rollerskating incident gone bad. It was so fun to write. Purchase copies Here.
  • The Love of a Cat is a story that was recently accepted for publication in the Sundown Press anthology about pets and pet rescues. The anthology will be titled, "Pawprints on my Heart and will be a great book for animal lovers. It will be released in July.
  • I am still waiting to hear about the release of the anthology titled "The Other" about the different ways people experience God. My story was about my brother Rob during his cancer illness. It is scheduled to be shipped to the publisher, eLectio Publishing, this month. This should be a really good anthology and I'm looking forward to it.
  • Am waiting to her on another anthology about blindness. I have a poem that will be included in it.
  • The David Bowie Anthology is due out any day, which includes my poem, "Not So Major Tom."
  • I have probably half a dozen submittals I am waiting to hear from. I love looking forward to hearing back from publishers. It keeps me moving ahead.
So there you have it. This summary was actually a good exercise for me, as I forgot I had a couple of these things out there yet. My mom wonders how I keep it all straight sometimes. Spreadsheets and email folders help. It's still a challenge to stay ahead of it all, but it's all good.

Blogging off...


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