Homework Again?

It's been a while so maybe a writing update is in order. There is always something going on from a writing, publishing and promotion standpoint, it seems. You can only share so much on social media, so a good synopsis goes a long way.

  • First of all, as of tomorrow, I'm back in class at AllWriters. It has been about 15 weeks since I was part of the "Mighty Monday Nighters," so it's high time that I return. This isn't to say that I haven't written since I left, I have. It's just that being accountable to my peers as well as getting great feedback from them makes me better. Every week we bring in from 1-10 pages and after reading it front of the group, people tell us where it excels and where it sucks. (Well, that might be a bit harsh.) It is a very encouraging climate and I really miss the banter among the group. The best moments are the "word of the week." You don't want to be the person who gets called out for writing a word a half dozen times on a page. It seems to be someone different every week. 
  • Tomorrow I also have a radio interview about Dirty Shirt. It is on Dan Small Outdoors radio, I believe. I think he has affiliates associated with WISN, so it might make for some decent exposure.
  • The same gentleman, (Dan Small) has offered to do a book review of Dirty Shirt which should appear in Wisconsin Outdoor News. He described it as a "fun read," so I can't wait to see the review. 
  • My story Christmas Presence is in the coming Christmas Anthology titled Memories from Maple Street, USA: The Best Christmas Ever. The book should be available soon for pre-order. This should be a great collection of Christmas memories. I am very happy with the way the story came out and am proud to be part of this collection. 
  • I am guest blogging on the Sundown Press Blog as one of the contributing authors. Check it out on the first Wednesday of every month. Click here for this month's post.
  • The Write Stuff Radio Show featuring Parker J Cole will be interviewing me about all things writing sometimes after the first of the year.
  • I will be presenting on Dirty Shirt at the Waterford Public Library on December 9th at 6:00 PM.
  • The Poetry Workshop at AllWriters' Workplace and Workshop in January, led by myself, is still scheduled for Thursday nights from 7:00-9:00. Spread the word.
  • I am working on a story for the coming Sundown Press Memories from Maple Street Anthology about Pets and Pet Rescues, Anthologies are so much fun and again, I hope the story is well received and accepted. 

So, that's a rundown of a few of the things going on. I feel like I'm forgetting something major, but if so, I'll post it here or on Facebook at a later date.

In all of my busyness I am constantly reminded that I am so blessed to be where I am. It's all a ton of work, but much of it is coming to fruition for me. These past 12-18 months have been some of the best of my life for a number of reasons, with writing being a huge part of it. There's a saying that being a writer is like having homework every day for the rest of your life. That's how it feels some days, but I am having a blast with it. And as I figure it, as long as that is the case, I'm going to write my head off.

Blogging off... 


Jim Landwehr said…
I see too much text and think the visitor is overwhelmed by the left column, and the mass of text. Maybe break it up with a better tabbed template or something. No offense, just constructive criticism.

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