January's Challenge

Back in November, I was invited to help a fellow writer/poet as she participated in a writing challenge for the month of December. The challenge was a fundraiser for Tupelo Press, a nonprofit independent literary press. My friend, Sarah Sadie, was faced with writing a poem a day for 30 days straight. As part of the fundraiser, she offered several different levels of support ranging from $3.00 to $129.00 with varying levels of giveaways to those who sponsored her. I've found that sponsoring her was a fun way to follow along her journey.

I  liked the idea and challenge of it so much that I checked into doing it myself. The thought of pushing myself creatively to come up with a new poem every day for a month was too good to pass up. After I inquired about it, I was selected for the month of January.

And so, I'd love it if you'd join me and support Tupelo Press at the same time. The details are below. In prepping for the challenge, I've put together a list of ideas or writing prompts. Here's what I've compiled for subjects so far.

Step brothers/sisters
Old friend(s)
Middle school
Post Christmas Letdown
Thursday Theologians
Concert experience
God as a Friend
Bucket list
Military High School
John McKasy
Road Trips

I am by no way bound by this list. In fact I intend to let the moment lead me where it will. I even plan to bang a few of them out on the old Smith Corona. I'll likely do a few of them longhand as well. I
find that helps when the words aren't coming. Also, as outlined below, for a $15 pledge I'll even write a poem about you or a subject of your choice. 

I liken the whole process to sponsoring someone for a 10K, without the bad knees and moments of wondering why on earth I ever signed up to run a 10K.

Here are the details. 

If you're interested in helping me reach my pledged goal, I have a few incentives.

$3 or more (Ewok Level)
-- receives a daily email from me throughout the month, which includes a link to the day’s poem and some notes from me around the origins and thought process that went into the piece

$15 or more (Droid Level)
-- receives a daily email from me throughout the month, which includes a link to the day’s poem and some notes from me around the origins and thought process that went into the piece.

-- has the option of having a poem in the series addressed to you, and/or give me a topic to write about and I will write one to that topic.

$35 or more (Wookie Level)
-- receives a daily email from me throughout the month, which includes a link to the day’s poem and some notes from me around the origins and thought process that went into the piece

-- has the option of having a poem in the series addressed to you, and/or give me a topic to write about and I will write one to that topic.

-- will receive a unique chapbook from me, in 2016. These books will be handmade collections of the 30 poems from the month. Each one will be personalized.

• $50 or more (Jedi Level)-- receives a daily email from me throughout the month, which includes a link to the day’s poem and some notes from me around the origins and thought process that went into the piece

-- has the option of having a poem in the series addressed to you, and/or give me a topic to write about and I will write one to that topic.

-- will receive a unique chapbook from me, in 2016. These books will be handmade collections of the 30 poems from the month. Each one will be personalized.

-- receives a personalized copy of my poetry collection, Written Life.

• $129 or more (Skywalker Level) I should add that anyone who contributes $129 or more has the option of receiving a subscription to Tupelo’s books—ten Tupelo titles for a bargain price! Plus all the goodies listed above. That is quite a package, friends. 

Learn more about Tupelo Press here:

Donate here (Don't forget to reference me as the poet you're sponsoring, and include your address for tax deductions): 



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