
A couple of nights ago, my wife and I went and saw The Church for their "Thirty Year" Starfish tour. It was held at Turner Hall in Milwaukee, a creepily beautiful structure across the street from the brand new Fiserv Center, home of the Milwaukee Bucks. Turner is in rough shape, but is a magnificent structure and is a great place to see a show. There isn't a bad seat in the place and acoustically, it is not too bad.

If you know me, you know The Church is my favorite band of all. I've followed them since 1985 or so, and have been fairly loyal over the years. There was a ten year stretch or so, when their music got a little too dark and psychadelic, where I drifted away. In the past 10 years, I came back into the fold and have not been disappointed.

They released Starfish in 1988, and it was a breakout album for them. It had a couple of mega hits on it, including Under the Milky Way. It quickly became one of my favorite LP's and after sharing it with my "girlfriend" at the time, (now wife) it became hers too.

So, much like their Blurred Crusade tour, which I've written about here, this tour became a must-see for both of us.

We were lucky enough to get a seat half way back from the stage with good sight lines. After a decent warmup from a cool band named, Rose of the West, The Church came on and worked their way through Starfish, from start to finish.

It was fantastic. A roll-back of all the great hits of those '80s so many years ago.

At intermission I went up and bought a print painted by the bassist and lead singer Steve Kilbey, who is an accomplished painter and poet as well. I absolutely love it and it will hang in my office as a reminder of that night.

These guys are getting old, so I don't know how many more tours they have in them.

I hope to be a part of them though.

Blogging off...


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