Windshield Time - Lots Of It

I am writing this on the evening (Wed) before I embark on a 906 mile, fourteen hour driving journey, and that's assuming no wrong turns or traffic.

If you know me at all you know I love road trips. This one is a bit more than I typically like, but it is broken up quite nicely and all of my destinations are places I really want to be, so it should be great fun.

Leg one of the quest takes me up past Minocqua to Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin. I am attending a
Wisconsin Land Information Association board of directors retreat. This is a mandatory meeting that involves strategizing, team building and committee assignments, among a dozen other action items. I was elected to the board this past February and am privileged to be able to serve a two year term. One of the focuses of this meeting will be planning the statewide conference that is happening in June. We have a good team of Land Information folks that I look forward to getting to know a little better this week.

This area of the state is prime fishing area - especially for musky and walleye - two of my favorite species to fish. Unfortunately we're into that unfishable time of year or I'd try and wet a line during lunch. The area is God's country nonetheless and I'm looking forward to getting out of Dodge for a couple days.

On Friday, leg two takes me to Ellsworth Wisconsin, near River Falls for a Dirty Shirt reading and book signing at the library there. It's a part of the state I haven't seen much of and is a stone's throw from the stomping grounds of Michael Perry, a favorite author of mine, so should be fun.

Part of the reason I got that gig was leg three of the trip, which takes me from Ellsworth to Minneapolis, Minnesota to pick up my daughter from college. She's off for spring break, and it worked out that I could schedule in a book event for each end of picking her up. Which explains...

Leg four takes the two of us from the University of Minnesota to River Falls where we'll be staying overnight at my nephew's (and niece in-law - is there such a thing?) place.

We are staying there because the next morning for leg five we go to the public library in Colfax, Wisconsin for another reading/signing event at 11:00 AM.

Leg six brings us back to Waukesha on Saturday evening.


So, the GPS is plugged and I'm stocked up with selzer water, Twizzlers and lots of CD's (our car has no-tooth). With any kind of luck, I'll be happily home with my WHOLE family on Saturday and will be a few books poorer and a few stories richer.

Because this life is a rich life.

Blogging off...


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