A Spring Jog

My alter-ego writer/author/poet life is busier than usual lately. Couple this with a day job that has taken on a new urgency since my boss retired, and well let's just say that life has gone from a casual winter stroll to a healthy spring jog. I barely have time to change shoes here, but I'll try and run down a little of what's going on from a writer/author of sub-atomic micro fame.

  •  I will be in my hometown, Saint Paul, Minnesota this coming Saturday for a reading/signing for The Portland House. The event will be held at Subtext Books in downtown. I am told that my event is competing with Lucky Palooza, so if you come, the best parking option is the parking ramp across the street (Lawson Ramp) or try and find metered parking. I am hoping turnout is door-busting, mostly because I want this place to remember me for future events. So, please come, bring a friend and buy a book. Note: Following the event there will be a social gathering at The Spot Bar a ten minute drive away. Please join us for that as well!

  • I have tentatively scheduled a signing with the Clement Manor Center for Enrichment in the fall. This is a continuing education program for seniors and was one of my better signing events for Dirty Shirt. When I contacted the director, she said that she had been checking my site to see when The Portland House was coming out because people were asking about getting me back. That is what an author lives to hear.
  • The Portland House received its fifth review on Amazon this week! It retains a 5 star rating. And I can't say enough how much it means to me when people take time to write a review of one of my books. If you haven't done so, please do. Amazon takes note after a certain number are credited to a book. I could use your help.
  • I begin my stay as Poet Laureate for the Village of Wales in April. I am looking forward to all the outreach and education that that position entails. 
  • There should be a review of The Portland House in the Pioneer Press (or at least online) this week. Mary Ann Grossmann was kind enough to read and review it for me.
  • I received an Author Packet from Unsolicited Press, publisher of my forthcoming chapbook, On A Road. (For those who don't know, a chapbook is a collection of up to 25-30 poems.) This is basically a packet containing all of my details regarding the publishing. They are requiring me to round up 25 beta readers, so don't be surprised if you get an email from me asking you to read a portion and say a few words about it. It is due out on 10/21.
  • I got a random email from a reader this week that said her husband read The Portland House and kept commenting how I was a good writer. You know, that made a really crappy long day into one of the better ones in a while. 
  • I continue to forge ahead with my WIP (Work in Progress) about my high school days. In addition, I am working on pieces for two different poetry themes, one on Love and one on the whole gun mess.  
  • I am serving on a panel for a Path to Publication workshop through AllWriters' Workplace and Workshop in May. AllWriters' has helped close to 100 authors get published, which is sort of amazing if you think about it. And I love talking about my publication experience, so am looking forward to this panel! Details are here
Whew. So that is a rundown of all things written. It is all good and keeps me from running the streets at night. Because we all know that's the kind of thug I would be if it wasn't for writing. Ha!

And, as always, I have to thank all of you for your continued support and words. I seriously want to have coffee with each of you at some point. (That's definitely my closet extrovert talkin' there.)

Blogging off...


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