Three From Each

Well, the Dirty Shirt Giveaway contest is over. For those who don't know, this was a Facebook contest I ran where I asked people to send in pictures of them reading Dirty Shirt or places where they like to read it. It met with a better than expected response. I got 15 responses for the contest and have received two more since. I encourage people to continue sending pictures because it is fun to see the different states and places that people are reading it.

Because it means so much to me that people took time to buy, read and take a picture, I'd like to answer three questions about each of the people who have sent one in. It will give you a better understanding of some of my friends and family and put the picture in a better context.

The three questions are:

1. How we met or how I know this person
2. How long I've known this person
3. What I admire most about this person.

So in no particular order, here they are.

Kris Nestingen Palm

  • We met at AllWriters' Workplace and Workshop.
  • Four years.
  • Kris has a huge heart for people.

Kristy Decker
  • We are both eLectio authors and met through Twitter.
  • Seven months
  • Her dedication to her family first, and to her writing second.

Ellen Enriquez

  • We met through AllWriters' when Dirty Shirt was just an idea.
  • Four years.
  • Her compassion for those going through rough times.

Emily Dittmar
  • Her dad and I work together.
  • 18 years
  • She made a point of getting Dirty Shirt into her high school's library. Thanks Emily!

Eric Damkot

  • Eric is a GIS map geek colleague who works in Washington County.
  • Sixteen+ years
  • His sense of humor and friendship.

Erin Ross

  • She's my niece by my sister Pat.
  • Her whole life. 
  • She loves her kids and she's one of the other GIS geeks in the family.

Jeannie Pollnow

  • She's a grades school friend who I've just reconnected with on Facebook
  • About 43 years
  • Married her high school sweetheart and they're still happily married.

Jody Morris

  • We met for the first time on her goat farm
  • About 3 weeks.
  • Her compassion for all living creatures. (Ask me about the bird rescue sometime.) I also love the fact that her dog ate my book cover. That is Jody's life in a nutshell. :-)

Lori Devall

  • She's my youngest cousin on my mom's side.
  • Her whole life (so as to not give away her age, or mine either.)
  • She loves her extended family as much as her own.

Maggie McKasy (Picture of her brother Timmy a minor character in the book)
  • Maggie is my step-sister. 
  • 42 years
  • Her rolling laughter. The whole McKasy family loves to laugh. Blessed to have them as family.


Mark Neufang

  • Mark is my brother in-law.
  • 25 years.
  • Mark is a very gifted actor, vocalist and baker!

Mary Jensen

  • Mary is a cousin on my mom'side. (Lori's sister)
  • My whole life
  • Mary always says positive things. A great trait to aspire to.

Mary Beth Kitzel

  • We met through my wife. MB was a friend of hers from RIT
  • 24 years
  • MB is a fiercely loyal friend and just got her PhD!

Nick Konkle

  • We met through a men's book discussion group.
  • 2 years
  • Nick has a wicked sense of humor and a laugh that lights up a room.

Pat Spahn

  • Pat is a boyhood friend from the neighborhood.
  • About 43 years.
  • Pat looks for and finds the best in people.

Peter Grayson (Also a character in Dirty Shirt)

  • Pete and I met in High School
  • About 39 years
  • When we got back together after years away, we picked right up where we left off. The sign of a good friend.

Stepahnie Waegener

  • Stephanie is my niece by my sister Jane
  • Her whole life.
  • Stephanie loves family and is a great cousin to my kids!

So, that's a glimpse into some of the Dirty Shirt readers. Like I said, keep those photos coming. Also, if you liked the book, I would love a review on Amazon. Amazon and others take notice of those and every new one helps a little.

Until next time.

Blogging off...


Unknown said…
Wow, Thanks Jim! Fun to read a little snip-it about all these folks.

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