Sub-Atomic Micro Fame Revisited

A little less than a week ago The Portland House was released. My second memoir and my fourth book. If you'd have told me as little as eight years ago that I would be saying that I would have laughed my head off at you. Yeah, right. A writing fool. But here I am. And, whenever I get all puffy chested, I always bring myself back to earth by referring to my success as just a glimmer of "Sub-atomic micro fame." No best sellers No Pushcart Prizes No early retirement Not selling out Wembley No national book tours And certainly no movie rights The only way to go is up from here. That's a good philosophy for all of life, not just writing. At the same time, my writing journey has helped me in so many intangible ways. It has given me a community of writer friends both locally and nationally. Friends that feel like family, these people encourage me, bolster my confidence when I'm doubting my work and cheering me when I hit a win. It is two way thoug...