Writing Short Sentences

As many of you know, I am serving a term as Poet Laureate for the Village of Wales. This appointment has ramped up things in my poetry circles, which gives me a nice break from all things nonfiction. (Though I continue to do that too.) Here's a breakdown of a little of what's going on poetically.

  • My monthly readings at Wales Village Hall are going well. The group seems to enjoy my work as well as the guest poet I feature each month. I lead off the meeting and the group is respectful and engaging. Lots of laughs too.
  • The monthly poetry nights at Mama D's in Waukesha are underway and we are booked through February of 2019. The first event featured Marilyn Zelke-Windau and was well attended. 
  • The cover for my forthcoming chapbook, On a Road is finished and it is magnificent. I am SO happy with the way it turned out. The team at Unsolicited Press did a terrific job right out of the gate. Can't wait to reveal it later this fall. 
  • The signed poetry book drive is up to over 20 donated books so far. This is a good number, but I hope to more than double it by the time I am done in the fall. If you know of any poets who would like to donate a book that will end up in the Kettle Moraine High School library, please have them contact me. I love to see poets giving back to the world. It's what they do best in both word and deed.
  • There will be another 100,000 Poets For Change event in the greater Milwaukee area this fall. We are looking for dates in late September/Early October. Stay tuned. 
  • Mama D's is hosting a Poetry Slam on July 23rd at their Genesee Depot location. These are typically competitive events where poets memorize their work and compete to be the last one standing. Never been to r competed in one, but it sounds like fun!
  • I am currently seeking a publisher for my next poetry chapbook about my dad. More to come on this as I hear back from the more than eight publishers I sent it to. Fingers crossed!
  • I have a number of poems submitted to magazines and journals around the country as well. I hope to hear from some of these in the coming months.
  • My recent poem, The Guest House was accepted for publication in the Wisconsin Chapbook Against Hunger, organized by Ed Weinstein. This is a great cause. Again, let me know if you'd like to purchase a copy and I'll set you up.
So, as I mentioned things are busy in the small story (poetry) world right now. I love keeping busy with all of it and 


Jo Balistreri said…
I really enjoy hearing these updates. I hope to be at the next reading in Wales but will let you know for sure. A poetry slam sounds fun. Have never been to one.

Congratulations on all your successes. And thank you for all you are doing in your role as Poet Laureate.

Best always,

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