The Year In Pictures

As we say goodbye to another year, I always find it best to look back a bit before heading into a new year. This time I'll do it with pictures. When I take pictures, I put them in folders by year with sub folders by subject underneath those. For this exercise, I went into each folder and grabbed a picture from each that meant something to me. Here is what I ended up with. It is not every great moment of the year, but is a good overview of some of the best.

Our Memphis/Nashville trip. In June we celebrated 25 years of marriage. As part of that celebration, we treated ourselves to a road trip to Memphis and Nashville. One of the most moving parts of the trip was a tour through the Civil Rights Museum. The museum tour finishes by a walk through of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's hotel room. It was something everyone should see.

My niece's graduation from High School. A fun trip to upstate New York to celebrate a graduation. Great to see family and it even included a trip to Jody Morris's goat farm. Always a blast!

Landwehr Family Reunion. Every five years our family gathers at the cabin my grandfather built on Grand Lake. This one was well attended, and while it was great to see everyone again, the most memorable moments for me came during the evening hours on the beach with my mom, sisters, and brother, Paul. Lots and lots of laughs under a full moon in the warm evening  breeze. Unforgettable.

Ben and I have a tradition of going to car shows in Waukesha when they come into town. This year was no different. It's fun to walk and gawk with him. He appreciates the muscle cars as much as me. Good dad/son bonding time, for sure.

Trip to St. Paul. This was a trip to bring Sarah back to the University of Minnesota. We had dinner in the old Grand Avenue neighborhood and finished up with ice cream cones at the Grand Ole Creamery. It felt good to be in the old 'hood.

Collective MKE/Guest House.  We helped launch a new church in 2015. Donna and I are part of the Service Ministry. We organized a kids sandwich assembly one night during service and made over a hundred sandwiches for the Guest House of Milwaukee. In addition to this, we've served every month down at the Guest House. It has become part of our lives and I love doing it.

Thanksgiving. We were lucky to have most of our extended NY family out for Thanksgiving this year. Good food and family.

Written Life Launch. In April, I was surrounded by family, friends and colleagues as I launched my second book, Written Life. It was made extra special by having my mom in attendance. At 82 years old, she took the bus down specially to be here. It meant a lot and the whole launch was a dream come true.

BWCA Trip. After three years away, we all got back up to the Boundary Waters this June. Lots of cousin fun, a bit of adventure and the requisite uncooperative weather. Great memories, especially of the night where the cousins all went out on their own in the canoes and fished. They're growing up so fast.

Lakefly Writing Award. I was fortunate to win an award the Lakefly Writers Conference for my flash fiction story. It was part of a very successful year for me from a publishing standpoint as well.

I hope 2015 finds you healthy, happy and doing your part to make the world a little better.

Blogging off...


Kate said…
So many great family photos here, and some wonderful memories!

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