An Even Dozen

As I close out 2019 with my final blog post, I looked to see how long I've been blogging. The history feature of Blogger tells me that I've been doing it since 2007. Twelve years! I started sporadically, but since 2010 I've been doing two posts a week.

I guess it doesn't seem that long, but lately time passes so quickly that nothing really surprises me anymore.

I started this blog by a different name, "MrMomForAWeek" in 2007 when my wife went on a mission trip to Guatemala for church. I wanted to track the events of the week as a single parent. I did it partly as a writing exercise, partly as a documentation of events and partly to entertain my friends and family.

And if I think about it, those three precepts still hold true today. I still use this space to keep my creative writing muscles limber and to hold me accountable to write at least twice a week. I haven't wavered too far from it, though have missed a post nearly a dozen times this year. For example this post is #94 and if I was doing it twice a week, it should be #104. So it goes.

There have been several occasions where I've considered stopping, but the disciplined me won't seem to let me. I am committed to doing it, and as a writer, one should really have a blog as part of their entire platform.

So I keep at it, keep mining my thoughts and my days for material, with the hopes that I'm keeping it fresh and interesting. I've had more than a few readers of my books say that they first started following me on my blog. Encouraging to know this, as sometimes it seems I'm shouting down a hole.

It is my hope that 2020 holds for me even a shadow of the success I experienced in 2019. I doubt there will be two books released in 2020, but if I continue to get published in magazines and journals and press hard on my memoir in progress, well, that would be sufficient to hold my interest.

I hope you all have goals and interests of great pursuit in 2020 as well.

Happy New Year!

Blogging off...


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