National Poetry Month: Issue 13

Poetry takes many forms. Sometimes poetry can be quite brief. Other times it can be injected with subtle humor. Here's another poem from Author Kathie Giorgio that us both, as it speaks about a different kind of faith.

FAITH                by Kathie Giorgio

I turn the lamp off by my bedside
and the dark closes immediate
But I know in seconds I
will see again.

Without any light at all.

Author Biography
KATHIE GIORGIO’S third book, the  novel, “Learning To Tell (A Life)Tiime,” was released in September of 2013 by the Main Street Rag Publishing Company. This is the sequel to her first novel, “The Home For Wayward Clocks,” released in 2011.  That novel received the Outstanding Achievement award by the Wisconsin Library Association and was nominated for the Paterson Fiction Award.  Her short story collection, "Enlarged Hearts," was released in April 2012. Her stories and poems have appeared in over a hundred literary magazines and in many anthologies. She’s the director and founder of AllWriters’ Workplace & Workshop, an international creative writing studio. 

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