National Poetry Month: Issue 4

April is National Poetry Month in the US. Yesterday, while I was at the Waukesha Public Library, I saw a table announcing poetry month with several books of poems laid out on it. As you may know, I'm working on putting together a collection of my poems as my next book project. It is the next writing goal I have, to get a collection of poetry published.
eLectio Publishing
My current publisher, eLectio Publishing does publish collections, so I'm hoping I'll have an 'in' when mine are ready. I have a good number that have been published in a bunch of literary journals, magazines and online, so that's a good start. Publishers want collections to include material that has a proven track record; work that's been vetted by editors elsewhere, essentially.

I want to continue the poetry blog roll with another poem from my friend and writing instructor, Kathie Giorgio. Kathie's preferred genre is literary fiction, but her success getting her poetry recognized and published is proof that she loves the craft of writing. She writes in all genres using all styles, thus the name she picked for her studio, AllWriters'. Furthermore she encourages the same from her students. That encouragement was what led me to cross over from creative nonfiction to poetry and, eventually, into fiction.

Here's another poem from Kathie. Because she is a sniggler (and sniggler is a compliment here) for proper grammar, punctuation and English, this is a fun poem about the comma and the importance of its proper use.

COMMA                                                                         by Kathie Giorgio

Through history and lives,
and loves,
in letters, telegrams, postcards,
emails, tweets and texts,
a proper comma keeps thousands
from speaking the truth.
From letting hearts spell
their full request:
Love, Me (we signed)

Love Me (we said)

Author Biography
KATHIE GIORGIO’S third book, the  novel, “Learning To Tell (A Life)Tiime,” was released in September of 2013 by the Main Street Rag Publishing Company. This is the sequel to her first novel, “The Home For Wayward Clocks,” released in 2011.  That novel received the Outstanding Achievement award by the Wisconsin Library Association and was nominated for the Paterson Fiction Award.  Her short story collection, "Enlarged Hearts," was released in April 2012. Her stories and poems have appeared in over a hundred literary magazines and in many anthologies. She’s the director and founder of AllWriters’ Workplace & Workshop, an international creative writing studio. 

Please "like" Author Kathie Giorgio on Facebook, and follow KathieGiorgio on Twitter!
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